green plantain
Green Plantain (Pack of 5)

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Fresh Green Plantain 


Product Description

Plantains have a long and rich history. Green plantains are distinguished by their age. They are simply the younger immature stage of the fruit. Their peel is thin and they have a very firm and starchy textured, lean-flavored flesh due to their very low sugar content. As plantains ripen, they develop a sweet taste and their color changes from green to yellow to black.

The Green plantain must be cooked to be truly edible. They can be fried, boiled, baked, pickled and grilled. Since green plantains are very hard and starchy, they are often prepared like potatoes. Green plantains, in fact are the chosen plantain for fried plantain chips. Green plantains are essentially treated as and substituted for potatoes. Thus, they can be used in recipes calling for potatoes and utilized alongside ingredients in which potatoes compliment. Pair with savory herbs, garlic, pork, poultry, both rich and mild cheese, other starchy vegetables such as corn and shelling beans, tropical fruits, cream, chiles, cumin and curry.

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